Wednesday, April 22, 2009

De Plane, De Plane!

Tomorrow I leave for North Carolina for a whirlwind 24 trip. Two of those hours will be on a plane going and coming. Ok, so I am not the biggest chicken in the world, but flying makes me just squawk! I am going to see Jimmy Buffett in concert with my oldest brother~ and I am pysched! However, the whole flying-to-get-there part bothers me. And, this will be the first time I have been away from Savannah since she's been born~ so I am actually sad about that. Since I will be gone literally 24 hours to see one of my all-time favorite performers in concert from 12th ROW CENTER~ I guess I can deal! ;~) Xanax will be my friend...

1 comment:

LoveLladro said...

I hope you had a good time!